1916-1917 Academic Catalog

104. NEPOS-Romnn history, Viri Romae, Nepos, and composition, with a review of paradigms nod syntax, form the work of tho eourso. The text-book is Rolfe and Dennison's Junior Latin Book. Required in the second year of the Prepnratory Course. Four hours a week, first semester. 105. CAESAR-The study of pnradigma and syntax and exercises in composition are continued, Caesar'!! Gallic War being read and used for the illustration of principles and idioms. The text•book is Rolfe and Dennison's Junior Latin Book. Required in tho second year of the Pre• paratory Course. Four hours a week, second semester. 106. SALLUST-Tho Jugurtbine War and Catiline's Conspiracy are read. Tho text-books are Coleridge's and Herbermann's. Required in the third yenr of the Preparatory Course. Four hours a week, tint semester. 107. CICERO-The Orations against Catiline and the one for Milo are read. The text-book is Harper and Gallup's. Required in the third year of the Preparatory Course. E'our hours a week, second seme!lter. 108. VERGIL-The Aeneid and Mythology form the basis of tho course. The text-books nre Harper and Miller's, and Ourber's Myths of Greece and Rome and Litchfield 's Nine ,vorlds. Required in the fourth yenr of the Preparatory Coune. Four hours a week, first aemester. 109. OVID-The Metamorpho11es and mythology are studied. The text·book is Miller's. Required in the fourth yenr of the Preparatory Course. Four houri, a week, second semeeter. 110. CICERO-De Amieitia and De Seneetute are read, with o. re,,iew ot inflected forms and ayntax. The text.book is Chaee and Stuart's. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. ... 111. LIVY- The transition from the Golden to the Sih·er Age is etud;ed. Selections from Book XXI nre read. The text-book is Cnpes and Melhuish's. Elective. Three houn a week, one semester. 112. QUINTILIAN-Book X ot the Tnetitutio Oratoria is studied as an example of the Latin of the Silver Age, and for its practical and inspiring suggestions for oratorical training. The text-book is Frieze's. Eleeti>'e. Three hours a week, one semester. 113. HORACE-Copious selections from tho Odes, Satires, and Epistles are made tho basi11 for a atudy of Latin poetry. The text-book is Chase and Stuart',. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 114. TACITUS-The Life of Agricola, with its moral and ci>'ie lessons, tho hi11tory of Britain under the Romana, and the history of Germany are the subjects of study. The text-book is Allen's. Elective. Three houn a week, one seme11ter.