1916-1917 Academic Catalog

COURSES IN MATHEMATICS 115. JUVENAL-The origin, development, and purpose of the satire, and the morals and customs of the Romans under the Empire are studied. The text•book is Lindsay 'a. Elective. Three houra a week, one semester. 116. PLAUTUS--The Captivi and Trinummue are read. The text– book ia Morris'. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 117. TERENCE--The Phormio is read. The text•book is Bond and Walpole's. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 118. PLINY-Selected letters are read. The text•book is Merrill's. Preston and Dodge's Private Life of the Romaus is studied. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 119. LATIN LITERATURE-A brief survey is made of Latin literature, selections being read from many authors. The text-book is Peck and Arrowsmith's Roman Life in Latin Prose and Verse. Electi,·e. Three hours a week, one semester. MATHEMATICS. l'I\O~'ESSORS J'ARKEI\ A.ND WIUCUT ANO MIi. STERIIETT. 120. ARITffi"\IETIC-A systematic course ia given in general and practical principles, with suggestions as to the proper prceentation of the subject. The text•book is White's Complete Arithmetic. Elective in the Teachers' Course. Three hours a week throughout the year. 121-ALGEBRA-This course is for beginners. The text is Wont• worth 'a Elementary Algebra. Required in the first year of the Pre· pnratory Course. Four hours a week throughout the yeur. 122. ALGEBRA-This course is advanced work, beginning with quadratics and completing Wentworth's Elementary Algebra. Required in the second year of the Preparatory Course. Four houri a week, first semester. 123. GEOMETRY-Plane Geometry, giving work in theorems and original exercises, is begun. The text-book is ,ventworth's. Required in the second year of the Preparatory Course. Four houn a week, second semester. 124. GEOMETRY-Plane Geometry is completed, nod Solid Geometry taken up and finished. The text•book is ,ventworth 's. Re• quired in the third year of the Preparatory Course. Four hours a week, throughout the year. 125. ALGEBRA-This is an advanced course in algebra, in which tho chief topics aro progressions, permutations and combinations, pro– bability, complex numbers, theory of equations, determinants and in• finite series. The text•book is Wentworth's. Elective for nil who have not taken tho course as a part of the required work in mathematics. Four hours a week, one semester.