1916-1917 Academic Catalog

126. TRIGONOMETRY-Trigonometric functions are studied with respect to their relation to the solution of the triangle, both plane and spherical. Practical problems are given; also problems in surveying, navigation, and astronomy. The te:x:t•book is Wentworth's. Electi,•e for nil wbo have not taken the course as a part of the required work in mathemaUca. Four hours a week, one semester. 127. SURVEYING-Much time is given to field work, involving the ua.e of chain, compass, transit, and level. Systematic and accurate field notes are required. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in mathematics. Four hours a week, one semeeter. 128. ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY-Rectilinear and polar coordi• natea, with their applicatione to the point, line, circle, conic sectiom1, and higher planes are studied. The te:x:t•book ie Smith and Gale'a Elements. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. An additional con• ference bour may be required. 129. CALCULUS-The courim comprises both differential and in• tegral calculus, with their applications to physical and kindred problems. The text-book is Granvill's. Electi,•e. Three hours a woek throughout the year. An additienfll conference hour may be required. MISSIONS. 130. GENERAL COURSE IN MJSSTONS-Tho problems, possi• bilities, means, and obligation of evangelizing the world in this genera· tion, and the motives, aims and methods ef the foreign missionary are studied. Various toxt-book11 are used. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. 131. THE FOREIGN FIELD-China, Japan, Korea, India, Egypt, Contrnl and Southern Africa, South America, Mexico, and tho islnnd missions will constitute tho work of the course. Text•books by various authorities are usod. Electh,e. Three hours a weok throughout the year. 132. MISSIONARY BIOGRAPHY-The lives of noted miuionar;es of all Christian denominations and fields are studied for their inspiration and practical information. Various text-books are used. Elective Three hours a week throughout the year. 133. HOME MISSIONS-This coune involves a survey of social, moral and religioua conditions of the United States in general and of tho sections and elas11e11 most in ncod of the Gospel. Various text-books are used. Elective. Three hour~ a week, one 11emester. -51-