1916-1917 Academic Catalog

down to the present day. lt gives a history of tho riso and growth of tho predominant views in the ,·arious periods of the above named ages. The bibliography is eirhaustive, aud the references are abundant. The teirt-book is \Veber '!I. Elective. Three hour11 a week, one semester. HO. OUTLINES OF l\fETAPHYSICS-Thi!I subject presents the ml-tnre of metaphysics, the world from different viewpoints, the sub– je<itivity of sensation, space, time, reality, Ood, and idealism, with suggested courses of reading. The text-book is Snowden '11 The \Vorld a Spiritual System. Elective. Three hour11 a week, one semester. 141. LOGIC--The subject is taken up in a 11ystematie mnnner, terms, proposition11, and syllogisms being followed by a study of fallacies and practical examples. The text-book is Jovous-Hill's. Required of all candidates for the degree of Bachelor of ,\rts. Three hours a week, one 142. ETBJCS-Theoretienl and practical ethics constitute tho work of the course. Virtue, freedom, duty, and individual and social obliga– tions are studied. The text-booka are Gregory's, Coffin 's, and Drake's. Required of all cnndidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Throe hours a week, one semester. PHYSICS. 143. ELEMENTARY PHYSICS-Tho fundamental principles, with laboratory work, are preaented. The text·book is Carhart and Chute's. Required in the fourth year of the Preparatory Course. Four hours a week throughout the year. 144. GENERAL PIIYSlCS-Moehnuies, bent, electricity, souud, nnd light are studied. Leetures are given, and laboratory work required. Tho teit-book is Carhart's College Physics. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in science. Four hours a week throughout the year. 145. ADVANCED PHYSICS-The course eonaists of recitations, lectures, and laboratory work. The text-book ie Miller's. Elective for all who have completed General Physics. Three hours a week throughout the year. POLITICAL SCIENCE. 146. CIVJCS-The Federal Constitution ie made tho basis for a ttudy of American eh·il government. Tho text-book is Andrews' Manual of the Constitution. Required in the fourth year of the P reparatory Course. Four hours a week, firet semester. 147. AMERICAN GOVERNMENT-A study is made of the e,·olu– tion of the American government and polities and of the forrne and -59-