1916-1917 Academic Catalog

public meetinga. The text.book is Cushing's Manual of Parliamentar,. Practice. Electh•e, Two hours a week, one semester. PSYOHOLOGY. Ui6. GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY-Humnn psychology is pre11onted in it.II phues of the relation of the body to oonsciousneas, sensation, perception, memory, feelingii, imagination, thought, reaaoning, and the will. Angell 's is the text•book, with references to all tho recent author– ities. Required of all candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arte. Three hour11 a week, one 11omestor. 157. COMPARATIVE PSYCHOLOGY-Thia course present!! a thorough historical sketch of tho psychology of the animal mind. The vertebrate and invertebrate forms will be studied from the standpoint of consciousness. Elective. Three hour11 a week, one semester. 158. PATHOLOGICAL PSYCHOLOGY - Hallucination, delusion, illusion, hypnotism and suggestion, alternate personality, telepathy, emo– tional variability, an() insanity form the themes of study. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 159. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY-This course considera the mind in ih relation to methods of training and acquisition of knowledge. The psychological basis of pedagogy is atudied. The te;,;t-book is Pyle's. Elective. Three hours a week, second semester. 160. CHILD PSYCHOLOGY-This course embraces a scientific study of child life and consciousnes11. The text-book is Kirkpatrick 'a. Elective. Throe hours a week, one semester. 161. EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-Elementary experiment-a in the various phase11 of con11cious phenomena are made. The texts are Thorndike's and Seashore's. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 162. ADVANCED GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY-This cour11e cover11 all the data of conaciouaness in an ei:hausti\•e way, together with metll· physical probloms related to psychology. The test-book is James' Principles. Elective. Three hours a week, throughout the year. RELIGION. 163. APOLOGETICS-Thi11 course includes the evideMes of Chrill– tianity and natural theology. The principal subjects under the firat head are the internal and external proofs or the divine origin of Christianity, its history and results, and the canonidty and inspiration of the Scriptures. Ju natural theology, the nature and scope or the subject, proofs for God '11 ei:istenee, as found in nature and reason, and the char- -61-