1916-1917 Academic Catalog

acter of God and the purpose of creation are considered. Required of all candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. Three hour& a week, one11eme1:1ter. 164. COMPARATIVE RELIGJON-Mohammedani,un, Buddhism, Taoi1:1m, Confucianism, nature worship, and Christianity are compared and contrasted. The text-book is Kellogg's. Elective. One hour a week, throughout the year. SOCIOLOGY. PR0)'ESS0R ALl,l:1". 165. GE!\'"ERAL SOCIOLOGY-A careful study of social evolution, socialization, social control, and social ideab is followed by an investiga– tion of social pathology, including poverty, crime, and soeial degenera• tion, with special attention to the amelioration of social conditions. The text-book is Ellwood's. Elective for all who ha,·e not taken the course as a part of the required work in social science. Three hours a week, 166. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY-The phenomena presented by col– lective knowing, feeling and wi11ing, and the psychology of the cro'l'fd are studied. The text-book is Ross' Social Psychology. Blcctive for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in social science. Three hours a week, one scmc~ter. 167. SOCJALlS?.I-A study of the spirit and meaning of the move– ment and a careful eonsideration of the arguments for and against socialistic proposals constitute the work. The text-books are Kirkup's Inquiry into Soeialism and History of Soeialism. Eleetive for all who have not taken the eourae as a part of the required work in social science. Three hours a week, one semester. 168. SOCIAL PROBLEMS-The problems of 1,opulatiou, immigra– tion, growth of eitics, wealth and poverty, marriage aad divorec, und others will reecive careful attention. The subject is presented by mean1:1 of lectures ancl text-books. Various text-books are used. Electivo for all who have not taken the eourse as a part of the required work in social science. Three hours a week, one semester. 169. CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS-The dependent, dcfccti,·e and delinquent elanes, and the administration of charitable and eor– rectional affairs, are the topics of study. The teJCt-books are Henderson 'a and Dcvinc's. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in social seienee. Three hours a week, one semester. 170. APPLIED SOCIOLOGY-The possibility of the conscious im– provement of society by society is made the subject of study. The text• ----<12-