1916-1917 Academic Catalog

book ia Ward '1 Applied Sociology. Elective for all who have not taken the course as a part of the required work in social science. Three hours a week, one semester. SPANISH. BEGINNING-Drill in pronunciation and the elements of grammar constitute the work of tho course. The teltt·book is Edgren 's Grammar. Elective. Four hours a week, first semester. 172. READJNO AND CONVERSATJON-This course invol~•es prac– tice in speaking and writing Spanish together with the careful reading of several modern novels and dramas. Elective. Four hour a week, second semester. 173. OBSERVATION OF TEACHlNG-The teaching of secondary studies is obsen •ed, under the direction of the critic teacher, in tho Pre– paratory Department of the College and in neighboring high schools. Al there are thirteen public high schools in the county and many beyond the county lines within easy reach, the opportunities for this work are abundant. Careful notes, written reports and oral critiques are required of every student. A full discussion of the things seen helps to clarify the principles of teaching involved. Required of Juniors in the four• year normal course. One hour a week, throughout the year. 174. PRACTICE TEACIDNG--The student teaches elanes in the normal training school connected with the Preparatory Department of the College. The student is required to present before teaching a lesson plan for every recitation he conduets. He then teaches the class under the direct supervision of the critic teacher and occasionally of other members of the Faculty. Required of Seniors in the four•year normal course. One hour a week, throughout the year. 175. CONFERENCE ON TEACHING-All students who are doing work in the observation of teaching and in practice teaching are required to attend a weekly conference at which reports are made and the criti– cisms of the critic teacher are presented. MeMurry's Handbook is used aa an outline of instruction. One hour a week, throughout the year. -63-