1916-1917 Academic Catalog

OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION. REV. WILBER'l' REI\n.VICK McCHESNEY, Ph. D., D. D., President, Peter Gibson Professor of Philosophy, Greek, and Oratory. FRAl\TK ALBERT JURKA'J', A. M., T,·cas1tt·cr, Professor of l\fodern L:mguages and History. REV. LEROY ALLEN, Ph.D., Dean, Harper Professor of Economics, Sociology and Education. ANNA ALBER'fA CRESWELL, A. l\f., Sec,·etary of the Ji'aculty, Professor of Latin nnd French. MA.RY BELLE ERVIN, A.B., Dean of lVomen. LES'l'ER DAY PARKER, B.S., Registra1·, Professor of l\Iathematics and Natural Science. ELEANORE KATHERINE HOLLIDAY, A.B., Corresponding Secretary, Direetor of Athletics for ,vomeu, Professor of English, Instructor in Domestic Science. MRS. JESSIE RUSSELL, Director of the Departmc11t of Mus-ic, Professor of Music. - 5-