1916-1917 Academic Catalog
Upon the election of Dr. McChesney to the Presidency of Cedarville College in 1915, the Rev. James L. Chesnut, D. D., was chosen Dean and Professor of Systematic and Pastoral Theology, Dr. McChesney retaining the chair of New Testament, and the other instructors remaining unchanged. Thus for over a. century, with brief intermissions, the Semi– nary has continued its work of preparing young men for the Gospel ministry. The results of its labors are to be looked for, not merely in the Reformed Presbyterian Church, but in many other denominations that have been enriched in spiritual leader– ship by those who have gone out from the Church of their nativity but have carried with them the fruits of the scholarship and thorough theological training which distinguished the old Semi– nary. It is the aim of the present control of the Seminary to maintain all of the best traditions of the past, and yet to afford to the youth preparing for future usefulness in the Church just the sort of professional education that will fit them for present and future needs and conditioll8.
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