1916-1917 Academic Catalog

RELIGIOUS EXERCISES. Students are expected to be regular in their attendance at daily chapel exercises, to become members of the Y. M. C. A. and to attend all other religious services of the CoUege and Seminary. 'fhe day of prayer for educational institutions is observed on the second Friday of February. Class exercises are opened with prayer by the instructor in charge. ~f ,;, PREACHING EXERCISES. Each student is required to preach regularly on assigned texts before the faculty and students. EXAMINATIONS. Written examinations are given in all three-hour courses at the end of each semester aud an oral examination before the Board of Superintendents is given in u.11 one and two-hour courses. FEES. There are no fees for matriculation or tuition, but a fee of five dollars is charged for the diploma of graduation. A fee of three dollars per semester is charged seminary students who take work in the College. No tuition fee is charged for such work. EXPENSES. The cost of living is very low. It is the same as for students in the College. See page 28~ STUDENT AID. Students needing financial assistance can obtain the same from the Lamb Fund, upon recommendation of the proper authorities, by complying with the conditions stipulated in the donation of that Fund. -71!-