1916-1917 Academic Catalog

SENIOR YEAR, FIRST SEMESTER. Ethics Economics . Missions ... Systematic Theology . Pastoral Theology . Greek Exegesis . New Testament Literature . Hebrew Exegesis . Old Testament Literature .. . Archroology . Homiletics. Biblical Theology . Church History Hours per week 3 3 3 2 SENIOR YEAR, SECOND SEMESTER. Apologetics . Sociology . :Missions . Systematic Theology . Pastoral Theology . . Greek Exegesis . New Testament Literature . Hebrew Exegesis . Old Testament Literature .. Arehreology . Homiletics . Biblical Theology . Church History . A graduating oration of from one thousand to fifteen hundred words must be written and publicly delivered on Com– mencement Day by each candidate for the degree in this course. The title of the oration must be submitted to the Secretary of the Faculty of the College on or before December first preceding graduation, and a complete copy of the oration on or before April first. -78-