1916-1917 Academic Catalog

ONE-YEAR COURSE FOR COLU;G); GRADUATES the Bible and ?\lissionary Training Course given above and adds to his course all of the one-hour studies therein. He will then be entitled to the diploma of the Bible and l \lissiona.ry Training Course as well as to the degree of Bachelor of Arts. ONE-YEAR COURSE FOR COLLEGE GRADUATES. A one-year Bible and Missionary 'l'rainiug Course bas been provided for graduates of colleges of good standing, for the completion of which the degree of Master of Arts is given. 'fhe student may select his own subjects from the departments of Bible, missions, education, psychology, theology, and church history, but must conform to all of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts as given in the description of the Collegiate Department on a preceding page of this catalogue. -81-