1916-1917 Academic Catalog

DEPARTMENTS OF INSTRUCTION. SYSTEMATIC THEOLOGY. PROFESSOR CHESNUT. l. The idea, material, and method of Theology-The existence of God. The Scriptures a revelation. The nature, decrees, and works of God. Two bounJ a week throughout the Junior year. 2. The works of God-Anthropology. Soteriology. Two hour, a week throughout the ?.fiddle year. 3. Eeelcsiology and Eschatology-Two hours a week throughout the Senior year. PASTORAL THEOLOGY. PROl"ESSOR CHESNUT. 4. The character and services of the pastor--One hour a week throughout the Junior year. 5. Pastor and congregation-Pastor and ehureb courts. One bou.r a week throughout the Middle year. 6. Special problems of the pastor-One hour a week throughout the Senior year. NEW TESTAMENT LITERATtTBE. 7. The Goapels-One hour a week throughout the Junior.year. 8. The Acta and the Pauline Epistles-One hour a week throughout the Middle year. 9. Hebrews to Revelation--One hour a week throughout the Senior year. GREEK. 10. The Elements of Greek-For those who have had no training in the language. Four hours a week throughout the Junior year. 11. The Parables-Exegesis. Commentaries. One hour a week throughout the Junior year. 12. The Acts and Pauline Epistles-One hour a. week throughout the Middle year. 13. The General Epi11tlea and Revelation-One houT a week through– -out the SenioT year. -82-