1916-1917 Academic Catalog

HOMILETICS. PROFESSOR ALLEN. 23. The Element, of the Science and Art of Preaching-Text-book, Broadua' P reparation and Delivery of Sermon,. Practice in ae'rmonizing. One hour a week throughout the Junior year. 24. Review of the Fundamental Principlca-Outlining. Writing and delivering of aermons. Text•book, Breed 'a Preparing to Preach. One hour a week throughout the Middle year. 25. Outlining, Writing, and Delivering of Sermons continued-One hour a week throughout the Senior year. BIBLICAL THEOLOGY. PROFESSOR ALLEN. 26. The Types and Symbol11 of the Le\•itical System-Text-book, Moorehead 's MoHic Institutions. One hour a week throughout the Junior year. 27. Old Testament Theology-Text-book, Davidson's Theology of the Old Teatament, One bour a week throughout the Middle year. 28. New Testament Theology-Text-book, Stevens' Theology of the New Testament. One hour a week throughout the Senior year. ARCHAEOLOGY. PROFJ:SSOR ALLEK. 29. Introduction to Archaeology and its relation to the Old Testa– ment-Text-book, Price's The Old Testament and the Monuments. One hour a week throughout the Middle year. SO. The Function of Archaeology in Biblical Criticism. Text-book, Kyle's Deciding Voice of the Monuments in Biblical Criticism. One hour a week throughout the Senior year. ORATORY. 31. Fundamentals of Public Speaking, Breathing, Voice-Production, Enunciation, and Action, Writing and Delivery of Original Orations– Text-book, Phillips'. Three hours a week throughout the Junior year. 32. Scripture Reading, Voice Culture, Sermon Delivery-One hour a week throughout the Middle and Senior years. MISSIONS. 33. The Motives, Aims, Methods, and Problems of the Home and Foreign Missionary-The field of labor. Missionary biography. Varioua text-books. Three houra a week throughout the Senior year, and elective in the other yean,.