1916-1917 Academic Catalog

DEPARTMENT OF MUSIC. PROFESSOR RUSSELL. Dlre<:tor. The purpose of this department is to Jny a thorough and broad fou.ndation for the highe11t musical culture. The work of the department includes Piano, Voice, and Harmony. Graduates of this department are given diplomas of graduation. PIANOFORTE. FlrBt Year. Lebert & Stark-Vol. l. Doerner 's Technical Exercisee. Small studies of Kohler, Couppey, Loeschorn, Biehl, Diabelli. Second Year. Lebert & Stark-Ornamentation. Technica-Continued Major and Minor Scales, Arpeggios, etc. Studies by Lemoine; Agility Studies; Czerny. Sonatas of Kuhlau, Clementi, Bach Album, Heller, Op. 47-46, Loescborn. Third Year. Technics-Contiuued. Sonatas-Mo:i:art, Clementi. Small Sonatas of Beethoven, Haydu. Studies of Barberier, Cramer, Clemeuti '1:1 Gradu1:1, Pieces of Handel, Ba.eh lnveutious, Heller, Op. 46•45. Fourth Year. Sonata.a of Beetho\•en. Haydn's Variatioue in F Miuor. Clemeuti 'a Gradu1:1-Coutinued. Mendelssohn's Song Without Words. Bach-Well-tempered Clavichord. Modern Composers. Harmony, through Perfect Modulation, is required. Production of Tone. Seales and Intervals. VOI CE. First Year. E;1:ereises for the Cultivation of Flueuey. -86-