1916 Summer School Catalog

·.April 16th, 1915, as a regular institution for the professional training of high school teachers, and on the same date the Cedar– ville College Summer School was recognized for the professional training of both elementary and high school teachers. By obtain– ing at least five emester-hours of credit, students can here qualify for county examinations. All credits obtained can be counted ultimately towards either the State High School Certi– ficate or the State Elementary Certificate. RELATION TO STATE NORMAL COLLEGES. Complete arrangements have been made with the State Normal Colleges at Athens and at Oxford, whereby all work done at Cedarville will be given full credit, in case the student wishes to continue his professional training in either of these institutions. RELATION TO THE $TATE UNIVERSITY. Work done in Cedarville College is given full credit, course for course, in the Ohio State University. CREDIT IN CEDARVILLE COLLEGE. Cedarville College gives full credit for all work done in the Summer School. The Summer School is an integral part of the College, and is under the same management. Collegiate work will be counted in the college courses towards the bachelor's degrees; postgr_aduate work towards the degree of Master of Arts, or of Bachelor of Science in Education; normal work towards the completion of the two-year elementary course; normal work for high school teachers, towards the diploma of the four-year normal course; high school work, towards the diploma of the Preparatory Department, etc. DOUBLE CREDIT. Th attention of students desiring to do normal work is -called to the fact that such subjects as psychology, sociology, general m thods, history and cience of education, school manage– ment, chool organization and school law, etc., can b counted not only to ard th fulfilm nt of the r quir ments of the State la in 1· gard to th six weeks of normal credit, but al o towards -11-