1916 Summer School Catalog
DEPARTMENTS OF STUDY. FOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHERS. The following course for the professional training of those preparing for high school certificates will be given: History of education; science of education; general methods; school or– ganization and school law; school management; school discipline; general psychology; educational psychology; teaching of English; teaching of Latin; teaching of mathematics; teaching of science; teaching of history; observation of teaching; practice teaching; high school methods; sociology. If other courses are desired, classes will be organized in them also. FOR ELEMENTARY TEACHERS. For elementary teachers, and for those preparing for thi work, the following courses have been arranged: General psychology; educational psychology; special methods; general methods; rural school methods; history of education; science of education; school organization and school law; school manage– in nt; primary method ; sociology; observation of teaching; practice teaching. Other subjects will be given if they are (h\ ired. REVIEW OF COMMON BRANCHES. For t achers a11d others who feel the need of pecial work ill the comrnon branches, course will b given iu drawing, pen– rnawsliip, Engli h grarnmar, arithmetic, language, phy iology, geograph}, agricultur , nitecl tates hi tor. , and any other ubj ct for which there is a d mand. HIGH SCHOOL AND PREPARATORY STUDIES. J<"'or t •a ·he1 de, iring to meet the rt~quirement of th tat la\\ iu n•ganl to preparatory or high chool work, for high school , 111dc•11ts \\ ho wisl1 to 11wk • up work or to advance them elves in 1IH·ir high istl1oul c·om·s , and for high sehool tea<'hPr , and tl10s -17-
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