1916 Summer School Catalog

preparing for high school teaching who wish to review high school studies, the following academic courses are offered : Beginning Latin; Caesar; Cicero; Vergil; beginning algebra; second-year algebra; plane geometry; solid geometry; beginning German; second-year German; rhetoric and composition; English literature; American literature; ancient, medieval, and .modern history; English history; civics; physics; physical geography; chemistry; botany; physiology; agriculture. Any other high school studies desired will be taught. COLLEGE AND POST-GRADUATE STUDIES. For students seeking college credit, and for those wishing credit towards the degree of Master of Arts, or of Bachelor of Science in Education, the following courses have been arranged : Greek; Hebrew; Bible; chemistry; economics; history of educa– tion; science of education; high school methods; general methods; general psychology; educational psychology; school organization and school law; school management; school di cipline; English; French; geology; German; history; Latin; college algebra; trigonometry; analytical geometry; calculus; oratory; sociology. Other courses will be give~, if they are desired. COURSES IN MUSIC. Courses in vocal and instrumental music, in harmony, and in the history of music will be given by Mrs. J essie Russell, formerly of the Cincinnati College of Music, but for the past eleven years director of the Department of Music of Cedarville College. The rates of tuition are four dollars for one lesson a week in either voice or piano, eight dollars for two lessons a week and twelve dollars for three lessons a week. Six lessons in harmony are given for two dollars. The course in the history of music is free to all taking lessons in voice, piano, or harmony. Others are charged a fee of one dollar for the course of six lectures. TEACHERS ' COURSE IN MUSIC. M~s. Russell, Director of the Department of Music, gives a teachers' cour e in music, in which instruction as to the teaching of music is given along with actual practice in teaching under -18-