1916 Summer School Catalog

the direction of a critic teacher. Elementary students of music, taking le son in either voice or piano, are given extra in truc– tion by the teacher -in-training, without any charge to the pupil. The tuition fee for this cour e i four dollars for one lesson a week throughout the term, eight dollars for two lessons a week, and twelve dollar for three lessons a week. CHORAL AND PUBLIC SCHOOL MUSIC. Public , chool mu ic and chorus work is under the direction of Prof. George F. eigler, a prominent public school instructor in thi part of the State. No extra charge i made for public chool or choral music. DOMESTIC SCIENCE. The department of dome tic cience is under the direction of Miss Enid Lunn. a graduate of the department of home economic of Ohio State niversity, and an efficient high chool teaeher of the subject. Instruction is given in all branches of dome tic cience and art, including: hou ehold management; dietetics ; cooking; serving; plain sewing; dressmaking; mil– linen· : household decoration; textiles; etc. The tuition fee i six dollars for one course and ten dollars for two course , running throughout the term. Instruction in this department is given entirely in the ~fternoon, and so does not conflict ,, ith other . tudies. MANUAL TRAINING. This course includes paper, cement, wood , and metal work. The tuition fee i ten dollars for the term. The course is under th direction of J\fr. R. Cecil Burns, Principal of the orth Royalton High School. All instruction is in the afternoon . ORATORY. Pl'ivatl' ]1,sso11. i11 c•locutiou and orator., are givl'H in the af1c,rnoous h_v th<' Pr s1dent of the College, Dr. J\IcC'hesney. 'I'lw 1 at<' of tuition 1:-; • ew11t~ -fiv e el·uts 1wr lesso11. Cla s work in 01 atory i. without l' ·tra ehal'gl' to all payiug the regular sum1twr s1· ool 1 nition fp ·. - 19-