1916 Summer School Catalog
FACULTY. REY. WILBERT RE ... fWI K l\IcCHES EY, Ph.D., D. D., Pr siderit, Profes or of Psychology, Oratory and Greek. FRA:t\'li: ALBERT JURKAT, A. M., Treasurer, Profe sor of l\Iodern Language , Hebrew and History. REV. LEROY ALLE , Ph.B., Dean, Profes or of Economics, Sociology and Education. l\IARY BELLE ERVI , A. B., Dean of W onien. LESTER DAY PARKER, B. S., Registrar, Profes. or of l\Iathernatics and Natural cience. S'l'EPIIE~ T ALVI WRIGHT, A. B., Financial Secretary, Profe sor of Education. l\IRS. JES IE R SSELL, Diru for of the Department of Music, Professor of l\Iusic. F A1 • E. TIIO IPSON, I nstrudol' in Art and Dra,ving. :\J 1\RY L1 ILE GRAY, Librarian. EL1%.A BE'rII BLAIR, Cri1i<· 'I't·~wlw1· all<l l11strudor in Primal') 1'Il,thod '. HO,'.\ H'l'<>IDIO nr. ( 'i·iti(· 'l't·;11•li«•r ancl 111st r11do1· m 1'1l't hods in HL'admg.
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