1916 Summer School Catalog
GENERAL INFORMATION. HISTORY. Cedarville College was founded in 18 7, and sent out its first graduating class in 1897. In the short period of it history it has obtained an enviable r eputation for high standards antl thorough work. Its alumni are noted for character and efficiency. The Cedarville College Summer School was started in 1915. The plans were made so late in the spring that hardly more than thirty or forty students wer e expected for the first session. Instead of that, when the school openeu. on the twenty-first of June, there were found to be in attendance one hundred and thirty-eight students; no name being counted twice. There is not much doubt but that this number ,vill be more than doubled in the second ses ion, as the fame of the school ha pread far and wide. Practically every student in attendance last year expressed his intention of r eturning and of bringing others with him. With this auspicious b ginning to inspire them, the College authorities are encouraged to offer more cour es, employ a larger number of teachers, provide more ample facilities, and in every way prepare for a much bigger and better school than last year. PECULIAR FEATURES. The one thing that distingui hes the Cedarville College Summer School from all other imilar institutions i the amount of attention paid to the individual tudent. Each student is not regarded as one of a mass, and left to hift for himself, to get what good he can from the summer term, but every individual student is thought of a having a value all hi own. His peculiar need , desires, comfort and plea ure are carefully looked after, and no pains are spared to see that he gets what he wants and needs. This is made pos ible by the employment of a very large faculty in proportion to the number of students, ancl especially by r eason - 6-
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