1917-1918 Academic Catalog

REQUIREMENTS FOR THE B. S. IN E. DEGREE Bachelor's degrees from Cedarville College, or institutions of similar standing. It leads to the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education from Cedarville College, and in case all requirements of the state school laws are met, to the four-year state high school provisional certificate. These requirements call for thirty hours of strictly professional work, and whatever of this the student has not obtained in his undergraduate course, can easily be made up in meeting the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education. The requirements for this degree are thirty semester-hours of work, of which twenty-four must be in recitation or lecture work. The remaining six may be given for work on a thesis. These requirements can be completed ordinarily within one collegiate year. Or the student may do the work for this degree entirely in the summer sessions, obtaining eight semester-hours of credit in each of three summers, completing his thesis for the remaining six semes– ter-hours in the succeeding college year, and receiving his degree at the next commencement. But the work on the thesis cannot be counted as a part of the requirements for the state high school certificate, and if the student requires the full amount of thirty hours of professional work in or– der to obtain this certificate, then all of this work must be done in regular class-room work. But in most cases the candidate for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Educa– tion will have had in his undergraduate course such an amount of professional work that twenty-four semester– hours will be more than ample to make up the state re– quirements. All work taken for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education must be strictly professional in character, fall– ing within such subjects as education, psychology, ethics, philosophy, or sociology. The thesis also must be along educational lines. NORMAL COURSE FOR THE DEGREB' OF l\lASTER OF ARTS College graduates desiring to complete the requirements for a state high school certificate, and have the courses taken for this purpose count toward the degree of Master of Arts, can do so by merely complying with the conditions upqn which that degree is granted by Cedarville College. The requirements are as follows : -28-