1917-1918 Academic Catalog

CHEMISTRY, DOMESTIC SCIENCE, DRAWING The text-books are Stevens and Burton's Harmony of the Gospels and Stalker's Life of Jesus Christ. Elective. Three hours a week, second semester. 8. LIFE OF PAUL-The subjects treate<I in this course are the events of Paul's life; his environment and the influences affecting him; the contents of his writings; his conception of Christianity; his in– fluence in the church. The text-book is Gilbert's Life of Paul. Elec– tive. Three hours a week, one semester. 9. JOHN'S GOSPEL-This course is given over to a detailed study of the Gospel according to John for the purpose of inculcating its great spiritual truths and giving practical training in the art of Biblical interpretation. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 10. BIBLICAL ARCHAEOLOGY-The testimony of the monu– ments of the past to the truth of the Hebrew Scriptures is made the subject of this study. The text-book is Price's The Monuments and the Old Testament. Elective. One hour o week, one semester. CHEMISTRY PROFESSOR PARKCR AND MR, TURNBULL 11. GENERAL CHEMISTRY-The course consists of a study of the various elements and their compounds as to their occurrence, preparation, properties. and use. Qualitative analysis is taken up in the second semester. The text-book is McPherson and Henderson's. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. 12. QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS-This course consists of a study of metals and acids and the tests for each, followed by practical work on salts, alloys, and other common substances. The text-book is Scott's. Elective. Three hours a week, throughout the year. prl!~i~~/o~~~~ti~l~~c :n~\~[~~J~iia,;~~:s!it~o~:~c~ica~fw~~: in ores, limestone, fertilizers, and technical products. The text-book is Foulk's. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. DOMESTIC SCIENCE MISS TAYLOR 14. ELECTIVE DOMESTIC SCIENCE-Elective work in domes– tic science to the amount of eight credits will be counted towards the degree of Bachelor of Arts. One lesson a week for one semester con– stitutes the work required for one credit. Students electing domestic science must pay the usual fees for lessons in domestic science in addition to their regular collegiate tuition fees. See the Department of Domestic Science for the nature of the work offered. DRAWING 15. MECHANICAL-Mechanical Drawing and Descriptive Geom– etry comprise the work. Instruction is largely individual. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. ECONOMICS PROFESSOR ALLEN 16. PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMICS-Production, exchange, dis- - 33 -