1917-1918 Academic Catalog

GREEK, HEBREW, HISTORY ~;~y~ t;:::'k~tnr~~h~~tc~h~u;:a;:riters are studied. Elective. Three 52. GOETHE-Faust is read with a study of its philosophy and philology. The text-book is Thomas'. Three hours a week through– out the year. GREEK PROFESSORS MCCHESNEY AND J URKAT 53. BEGINNING-A systematic course is given in paradigms, rules, and exercises in translation. The text-book is Benner and $myth's. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. 54. ANABASIS-Translation, syntax, composition, with historical references constitute the work. The text-books are Murray's and Jones'. Elective. Four hours a week, first semester. 55. HOl\lER--Books I to VI, scanning, mytholo~, and syntax are studied. The text-book is Seymour's Iliad. Elective. Four hours a week, second semester. 56. GREEK NEW TESTAMENT- New Testament. Greek, empha– sizing peculiarities of form, and study in exegesis, together with r:~~e!!!ttina~t tt:::~~s tT!!ii:ei_ll T~:i!th~~;~ea ~e~:k, ~~= ~~~:!~ 57. HERODOTUS-Selections are read. Biography and history are studied. Peculiarities and syntax are dwelt upon. The text-book is Jc;hnson's. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 58. MEMORABILIA-The course is introductory to the study of Plato. Grammatical drill and history will be the leading features. The text-book is \Vinans'. Elective. Three hours a week, one semes– te,. 59. PLATO-The Apology and Crito constitute the study of Soc– rates. Grecian philosophy is reviewed. The text-book is Dyer's. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 60. AESCHYLUS-Prometheus Bound is read. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 61. SOPHOCLES-Oedipus Tyrannus is read. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 62. DEMOSTHENES-The Oration on the Crown is studied. Ora.– tory, rhetoric, and argumentation are leading themes. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. HEBREW PROf'ESSOR JURKAT t.a!;·a~f~~~~~~~AT~~o:~f~kills ibatti4;~n/:_ el1~t~~~• :.-fv; hours a week throughout the year. HISTORY PROFESSOR JURKAT 64. ANCIENT-Ancient history is studied, closing with Louis XIV. The text-book is Robinson and Breasted's, with collateral rea.ding. Elective. Three hours a week, first semester. -37-