1917-1918 Academic Catalog

MATHEMATIC!, MISSION!, MUSIC Peck and Arrowsmith's Roman Life in Latin Prose and Verse. Elec– tive. Three hours a week, one semester. MATHEMATICS PROFESSOR PARKER 80. COLLEGE ALGEBRA-This is an advanced course in algebra, in which the chief topics are progressions, permutations and com• binations, probability, complex numbers, theory of equations, deter– minants and infinite series. The text--book is Wentworth's. Elective. Four hours a week, one semester. 81. TRIGONOMETRY-Trigonometric functions are studied with respect to their relation to the solution of the triangle, both plane and spherical. The text--book is Wilczynski. Elective. Four hours 11 week, one semester. 82. SURVEYfNG-Much time is given to field work, involving the use of chain, compass, transit, and level. Elective. Four hours a week, one semester. 83. ANALYTICAL GEOMETRY-Rectilinear and polor co--ordin• ates, with their applications to the point, line, circle, conic sections, EJ~t~~~~erT~~!~e~•o::: ;t~'!!it·th!~~hi:::-t:~\!!r~mith and Gale's. 84. CALCULUS-The course comprises both differential and in– tegral caleulus, with their applications to physical and kindred prob• !ems. The text--book is Grnnvill's. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. MISSIONS 85. GENERAL COURSE IN MISSIONS-The problems, possi• bilities, means, and obligation of evangelizing the world in this gen• eration, and the motives, aims, und methods of the foreign missionary are studied. Elective. Three; hours a week throughout the year. 86. THE FOREIGN FIELD-China, Japan, Korea, India, Egypt, Central and Southern Africa, South America, Mexico, and the Island missions will constitute the work of the course. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. 87. MISSIONARY BIOGRAPHY-The lives of noted missionaries of all Christian denominations and fields are studied for their inspir– ation and practical information. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. 88. HOME MISSIONS-This course involves a survey of social moral and religious conditions of the United States in general and of the sections and classes most in need of the gospel. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. MUSIC PROFESSOR RUSSELL 89. ELECTIVE MUSIC-Elective work in music to the amount of eight credits will be counted towards the degree of Bachelor of Arts. One lesson a week for one semester constitutes the work required for one crediL Students electing music must pay the usual fees for lea-