1917-1918 Academic Catalog

ORATORY, PHILOSOPHY, PHYSICS sons in music in addition to their regular collegiate tuition fees. See the Department of Music for the nature of the work offered. ORATORY PROFESSOR MCCIIESNEY 90. PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC SPEAKING-This course includes the fundamentals of -effeetive speaking, study and practice of the principles of breathing, voice-production, enunciation, and action; delivery of extracts from t.he works of writers and speakers. The text-book is Phillips'. Required. Three hours a week, first semester. 91. ORATORY-In this course the distinctive characteristics of oratorical style are studied; the masterpieces of representative ora- ~:s !~~ti~~al!~et, d~lte~~e gtnoc:rir:at~:atli~~~er~A:r~:ie!::i \~ Phillips'. Required. Three hours a week, second semester. PHILOSOPHY PROFESSOR MCCHESNEY 92. INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY-The purpose of this course is to explain the nature of philosophical thOUJ:t"ht, to give a general view of the main problems of philosophy and of the more import.ant types of philosophical doctrine, to show the value of the study of philosophy and to give some practical suggestions as to the spirit and method of its study. The text-book is Fullerton's. Elec– tive. Three hours a week, one semester. 93. HISTORY OF PHILOSOPHY-The course consists of a pre– sentation of Greek, medieval, and modern philosophy from 600 B. C., down to the present day. The text-book is Weber's. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 94. PROBLEMS OF PHILOSOPHY-The persistent problems of modern philosophy from Descartes to the present day are studied. The text-book is Calkins'. Eleetive. Three hours a week, one semester. 95. OUTLINES OF METAPHYSICS-This subject presents the nature of metaphysics, the world from different viewpoints, the sub– jectivity of sensation, space, tirric, reality, God, and idealism, with suggested courses of reading. The text-book is Snowden's. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 96. LOGIC-The subject is taken up in a systematic manner, terms, propositions, and syllogisms being followed by a study of fallacies and practical examples. The text--book is Jevons-Hill's. Required. Three hours a week, one semester. 97. ETHICS-Theoretical and practical ethics constitute the work of the course. Virtue, freedom. duty. and individual and social obli– gations are studied. The text•books are Gregory's, Coffin's, and Drake's. Required. Three hours a week, one semester. PHYSICS PROFESSOR PARKER 98. GENERAL PHYSICS-1\lechanics, heat, electricity, sound, and light are studied. The text--book is Kimball's. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. -4-0-