1917-1918 Academic Catalog

REGULAR SEMINARY COURSE benefit of theological students who have had little or no col– legiate training, and designed to fit them for the active work of the gospel ministry, and at the same time to give them something of the more liberal culture and wider use– fulness to be gained through a college course. This course requires four years and leads to the degree of Bachelor of Arts from the College, and the diploma of graduation from the Seminary. 3. Graduates of either of the above courses and of other theological seminaries of good standing will be admitted to a one-year advanced course, largely elective, leading to the degree of Bachelor of Divinity. 4. A Bible and Missionary Training Course, open to both sexes, and designed chiefly for laymen who desire to fit themselves for practical Christian work, as Sabbath School teachers and officers, personal workers, home and foreign missionaries, et cetera. This course covers two years and leads to a diploma of graduation. 5. A Combined Collegiate, Bible and Missionary Train– ing Course leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts from the College, and to the diploma of graduation from the training department of the Seminary. 6. A One-Year Bible and Training Course for the grad– uates of colleges, and leading to the degree of Master of Arts. REGULAR SEMINARY COURSE JUNlOR YEAR Required Studies: Hours per week !;:;?~:t;!i~~~-============================== I New Testament Literature _________________________ 1 Beginning Hebrew ---- ---------------------------- 5 Old Testament Literature___________________________ 1 Church History - - ---------------------------- ----- 1 Biblical Theology --------------------------------- 1 Homiletics - -------------------------------------- 1 English Bible --------------- --------------- --- --- - 3 Oratory __ ___________ ___________________________ _ 1 -51-