1917-1918 Academic Catalog

ARTS-THEOLOGY COURSE Elective Studies: English Bible - ------------ -------------------- ---- 3 Philosophy - ----------------------------------- --- 3 Education ------------------------ - -------------- 3 Argumentation ---------------------- ----------- -- 3 COMBINED ARTS-THEOLOGY COURSE Candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in this course must comply with all regulations governing students in the regular College course, except the rule governing limit of work, whch does not apply t.o them, since they must follow the course below without deviation. The require– ments for admission are the same as for the regular course for the Bachelor of Arts degree, as given in the description of the Collegiate Department on a preceding page of this catalogue. FRESHMAN YEAR FIRST SEMESTER Hours per week Beginning Greek_______ 4 English Bible__________ 3 College Rhetoric _______ 3 Old Testament Litera- ture---------------- Church History ________ Homiletics ____________ Biblical Theology ______ Chemistry, or Biology, or Physics __________ 4 SECOND SEMESTER Hours per week Beginning Greek___ ____ 4 English Bible__________ 3 College Rhetoric _______ 3 Old Testament Litera- ture ---------------- Church Hist.ory ________ Homiletics --- - - ------- Biblical Theology ______ Chemistry, or Biology, or Physics __________ 4 SOPHOMORE YEAR FIRST SEMESTER Hours per week SECOND SEMESTER Hours per week Beginning Hebrew _____ 5 Beginning Hebrew - - --- 5 Oratory ______________ 3 Oratory ______________ 3 Systematic Theology ___ 2 Systematic Theology ___ 2 Pastoral Theology______ 1 Pastoral Theology______ 1 Greek Exegesis________ 1 Greek Exegesis________ 1 -63-