1918-1919 Academic Catalog
REL IGIOUS ADVANTAGES t erstate Association, including ten of t he leading States of the Middle West. A pr eliminary orator ical cont est is held during the first semester of each year , t he winner repr esenting t he College in the State contest. T he winn er of the latter repre– sents the State of Ohio in the Inter-state contest. This asso– ciation with which the Co ll ege is connected is the oldest and largest oratorical association in t he Un ited St ates, many of the eminent statesmen and orators of the day having received much of their early training in its contests. JOHN ALFORD PRIZE The late Rev. John Alford, D. D ., duri ng t he last few years of his life, gave a prize of twenty-five dollars, distributed among the three best speakers in the annual oratorical cont est . This prize has been continued by his daughter , Miss Martha Alford. THE CEDRUS An illustrated college annual, The Cedrus, publi shed by the students, crystalizes the activities of the year into permanent literary and pictorial form. RELIGIOUS ADVANTAGES There are four churches in Cedarvill e: Methodist Episcopal, United Presbyterian, Reformed Presbyterian (Synod) and Re– formed Presbyterian (General Synod) . Every member of the Faculty and nearly .every student in attendance this year is a professed Christian. All students are required to attend the church designated by their parents, who are requested to send their written wishes as to which church their children shall attend. Students of all Christian denominations are welcomed. YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION The Young Men's Christian Association of Cedarville Co l– lege was organized March 12, 1907. Like all similar societies, it extends the helping hand physically, intellectually, morally and spiritually to all the young men, thereby aiming to develop the whole man in the truest and best sense. YOUNG WOMEN 'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION The Young Woman's Christian Association of Cedarville College was organized in 1909. It maintains all of those char– acteristic activities which have made this organization such a power for good among the college girls of America. 11
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