1918-1919 Academic Catalog

REQUIREMENTS FOR A. M. DEGREE Course any candidate who has, in its opinion, not maintained a standard of good scholarship. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE IN EDUCATION The requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education will be found given und er the Normal Department. REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF ARTS The requirements for the degree of Master of Arts are: A. The acquisition of a Bachelor's degree from Cedarville College or from an institution of equal standing . B. Twenty-four semester-hours of residence work not counted towards the Bachelor's degree, distributed as follows: I. A major study, including six semester-hours' work to be selected from one of the following departments: 1. Bible and Missions. 2. Education. 3. English. 4. French. 5. German. 6. Greek. 7. History. 8. Latin. 9. Mathematics and Astronomy. 10. Natural Science. 11. Political an<l Social Science. 12. Psychology and Philosophy. 13. Spanish. II. A minor study, including six semester-hours' work, to be selected from a department of instruction related to the major study, with the advice and consent of the professor at the head of the department in which t he major study is taken. III. Free electives to the amount of twelve semester– hours, to be selected from any department of instruction, ex– cept those of art, music, oratory, or domestic science. C. A thesis of at least three thousand words upon some subject connected with the department of instruction in which the major study is taken, and meeting with the approval of the professor at the head of that department. The title of 19