1918-1919 Academic Catalog
0 RSES FOR FRESHMEN th th · i mu t b ubmitted not lat r than the first of Febru– ar preceding graduation, and a typewritten copy of the thesis not later than the first of May. LIMIT OF WORK o tudent of the Collegiate Department will be permitted to take work for credit amounting to more than eighteen hours per week per semester, and no student, the average of whose grades for the preceding semester is less than ninety per cent., will be allowed to take work for credit amounting to more than fifteen hours per ,iveek per semester. This rule does not apply to candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Science in the combined Arts-Agriculture Course, nor to candidates for the degree of Bachelor of Arts in the combined Arts-Theology Course, who are expected to pursue the prescribed studies of those courses without deviation. LI MIT OF SUMMER SCHOOL WORK No student will be given credit for more than ten semester– hours of work done in any one session of a summer school. The limit for a six-weeks' session is eight semester-hours. TIME REQUIRED Ordinarily the completion of the requirements for the de– gree of Bachelor of Arts, or of Bachelor of Science, will re– quire four years, and the completion of the requirements for the degree of Master of Arts, one year . · DEFINITION OF CREDIT A "credit," or "semester-hour/' is one recitation a week for one semester. A student completing fifteen hours of collegiate work for a week for one semester, receives fifteen credits, and if such work is continued for a full year, he receives thirty credits, which is considered full work for one year. COURSES FOR F RESHMEN The following courses are recommended as the most suitable for Freshmen. With the advice of members of the Faculty, each student should select five of these courses in accordance with his needs, tastes, and previous preparation: Hours per week Bible ........................................................................................ 3 Rhetoric .................................................................................. 3 General Chemistry ................................................................ 4 General Biology .................................................................... 4 20
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