1918-1919 Academic Catalog
PREPARATORY COURSE Elementary Algebra ........ 4 Elementary Rhetoric ........ 4 Elementary Algebra ........ 4 Elementary Rhetoric ........ 4 Physical Geography ........ 4 Physiology ........................ 4 SECOND YEAR FIRST SEMESTER SECO~D SEMESTER N epos and Composition.... 4 Caesar and Composition.. 4 Higher Algebra ................ 4 Plane Geometry ................ 4 English Classics ................ 4 English Classics ................ 4 Ancient History ................ 4 Mediaeval and Modern History .......................... 4 THIRD YEAR FIRST SEMESTER Sallust ................................ 4 P!a?e Geometry ................ 4 C1v1cs .................................. 4 Beginning- French, German, Greek or Spanish .................. 4 FOURTH FIRST SEMESTER V ergil .................................. 4 Physics ................................ 4 History of English Liter- ature ................................ 4 Second Year- French, German, Greek or Spanish .................. 4 SECOND SEMESTER Cicero .................................. 4 Solid Geometry ................ 4 Botany ................................ 4 Beginning- French, German, Greek or Spanish .................. 4 YEAR SECOND SEMESTER Ovid .................................... 4 Physics ................................ 4 History of American Lit- erattire ............................ 4 Second Year- French, German, Greek or Spanish .................. 4 LIMIT OF W ORK Students in the Preparatory Department are limited to six– teen hours' wo rk per week, except that students whose aver– age grade for the previous semester was ninety per centum, or more, may take not exceeding twenty hours per week. Students taking work in both the Collegiate and Preparatory Departments are limited to nineteen hours per week, except that students whose average grade for the previous semester was ninety per centum, or more, may take not exceeding twenty-two hours' work. RATES OF TUITION The fee for instruction in the Preparatory Department is twenty dollars per semester, including a fifteen-dollar tuition fee and a five dollar contingent fee. For other expenses see page 22. 29
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