1918-1919 Academic Catalog
SPANI..,II, SOCIOLOGY, TEACHING SPANISH PROFESSOR SLOAN 112. BEGINNING SPANISH-The first semester, a thorough study of the grammar, with the reading of easy narratives and drill in conversation and composition. The second semester, composition, and the reading of modern prose. Selections from Galdos, Moratin, and Valera. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. 113. MODERN SPANISH LITERATURE- Selections from the more difficult Spanish authors of the nineteenth century. Advanced com– position, embracing the study of idioms and the use of the proverb. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. 114. SPANISH-AMERICAN LITERATURE-A study of the leading Spanish-American authors, illustrated by lectures on the history and life of Latin America. Composition and translation of commercial correspondence. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. 115. CLASSICAL SPANISH-The first semester, selections from the dramas of Lope de Vega and Calderon de la Barca. The second semester, the picaresque novel and narratives from Cervantes. Open only to those who have fourteen credits in Spanish. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. 116. OLD SPANISH-- A large number of ballads and romances will be read with the object of securing a just appreciation of their spirit. and beauty. In connection with these, selections from the earliest Spanish documents will be studied as illustrating the historical de– velopment of the language. Open only to those who have fourteen credits in Spanish. Two hours a week, one semester. 117. HISTORY OF SPANISH LITERATURE-A knowledge of Spanish is desirable, but not necessary for this course. Elective. One hour a week, one semester. SOC IO LOGY ·PROFESSOR ALI,E 118. GENERAL SOCIOLOGY-Social evolution, and sociological principles with special reference to modern social problems. Text: Ellwood. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 119. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY--Coll ctiYe knowing, feeling, and will– ing; the psychology of the crowd. Text: Ross. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 120. SOCIALISM-The spirit and meaning of the movement, ar– guments for and against socialism. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 121. BIBLICAL SOCIOLOGY-Modern social problems interpreted in the light of the Bible. Text: Kent. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. TEACHING FROFESSOR SLOA 122. OBSERVATION OF TEACHING-The teaching of secondary studies is observed, under the direction of the critic teacher, in the Preparatory Department of the College, and in the neighboring high schools. As there are thirteen public high schools in the county, and many beyond the county lines within easy reach, the opportunities for this work are abundant. Careful notes, written reports and oral 39
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