1918-1919 Academic Catalog
'O RSES IN M I Third Year T chnics- ontinued. Sonatas- Mozart, lementi. Small Sonatas of Beethoven, Haydn. Studies of Harb rier, ramer, lementi's Gradus, Pieces of Handel, Bach Inventions, Heller, Op. 46-45. Fourth Year Sonatas of Beethoven. Haydn's Variations in F Minor. Clementi's Gradus-Continued. Mendelssohn's Song Without Words. Bach-Well-tempered Clavichord. Modern Composers. Harmony, through Perfect Modulation, and one year's work in the history of music are required of all graduates in piano. VOICE MRS. W. H. McGERVEY F irst Yea r Production of Tone. Scales and Intervals. Exercises for the Cultivation of Fluency. Second Yea r Exercises for the Cultivation of Fluency-Continued. Solfeggio-Sight Reading. Exercises in Vocalization. Th ird Yea r Exercises in Vocalization. Sight Reading-Continued. Oratorio Songs. Two years of instruction in piano, a knowledge of harmony as far as suspension, and one year's work in the history of music are required of all graduates in voice. REC ITALS Recitals of all the vocal and instrumental classes will be given dur– ing the year by the Director and advanced students. These recitals accustom the pupil to appear in public and cultivate a taste for good music. E LECTI V E MUS IC Elective work in music to the amount of eight credits will be counted towards the degree of Bachelor of Arts. One lesson a week for one semester constitutes the work required for one credit. Stu– dents electing music must pay the usual fees for lessons in music, in addition to their collegiate tuition fees. RATES OF TU ITI ON The rates of tuition in the Department of Music are eleven dollars per semester for one lesson a week in Piano or in Voice Culture, and six dollars per semester for one lesson a week in Harmony. A con– tingent fee of one dollar per semester is required of all students in mus ic -who have not paid the three-dollar contingent fee in some other department of the College. All fees are payable at the beginning of t he semester . F or other expen ses, see page 22. 52
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