1919-1920 Academic Catalog

SOCIAL AND RELIGIOUS LIFE L ectures and Entertainments A lecture course is maintained under the control of differ– ent Cedarville organizations. The best talent of our country and of foreign lands is secured. The students, therefore, have ~r~~~t~:i;~ tfnh::~i:~~.b~~;ge~b:!~t~~::k:;: :rv~;nf~~~at~: to time by members of the Faculty and others. Athletics Athletic exercises are encouraged by the Faculty and the Board of Trustees. On the College campus there are tennis courts, baseball and football grounds. Several basketball teams of each sex are organized from year to year. Their games are played in the Alford .Memorial Gymnasium. Literary Societies The Philadelphian Society was organized in the fall of 1894, and the Philosophic during the fall of 1895. These societies Q)1ft~ Pta~l. 1 al~~ o~~~f;;n1~~e~1~: 1 ~1ib. ~hr~at~i~:d si~ 0 ?91~~ affor!s additional opportunities for intensive training to those especially interested in literary work. Bible Reading Contest Miss Margaret Belle Rife, of the Class of 1916, annually offers prizes of seven, five and three dollars for a Bible reading contest. Any student in the College may compete for these prizes. Declamation and Oratorical Contests A dec:lamation contest open to all young women and an oratorical contest for young men are held annually. There is a first prize of ten dollars and a second prize of five dollars for each contest. 13