1919-1920 Academic Catalog

GRADUATE DEPARTMENT Requirements for Admission Admission to the Graduate Department requires a bach– elor's degree from Cedarville College or other approved insti– tutions. Curricula and Degrees The following curricula are offered in the Graduate Department: 1. The Regular Graduate Curriculum, leading to the de– gree of !\faster of Arts. 2. The Graduate Education Curriculum, leading to the State Provisional High School Certificate and to -either the degree of !\faster of Arts or the degree of Bachelor of Science in Education. THE REGULAR GRADUATE CURRICULUM Requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts The requirements for the degree of l\faster of Arts in the Regular Graduate Curriculum are as follows: I. A Major Study (including six semester-hours of work to be elected from one of the following departments: Bible and Missions; Education; English; French; German; Greek; His– tory; Latin; Mathematics and Astronomy; Natural Science; Social Science; Psychology and Philosophy; Spanish); 2. A l\•Iinor Study (including six semester-hours of work, to be selected by the student from a department of instruction related to the 111ajor study, with the advice and consent of the professor at the head of the department in which the major study is taken); 3. Free Electives (to the amount o f twelve semester– hours, to be selected by the student from any department of 31