1919-1920 Academic Catalog
EDUCATION AND ENGLISH instruction. Text; Strayer. Ehictive. Prerequisite: Science of Edu– cation. Three hours a week, one semester. 17. HIGH SCHOOL METHODS-The high school pupil and his needs, as well as the technique of teaching. Text: Parker. Elective. Prerequisite: General Methods. Three hours a week, one semester. 18. SCHOOL ORGANIZATION AND LAW- The organization, ad– ministration, and supervision of schools, and the school laws of Ohio. Both Ideal and actual conditions are discussed. Text: Chancellor. Elective. History of Education should precede this course. Three hours a week, one semester. 19. SCHOOL DISCIPLINE-The ideals, principles, methods and devices of school discipline. Te:ii:ts: Morehouse and Bagley. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 20. OBSERVATION OF TEACHING-The teaching or secondary studies Is observed, under the direction of the critic teacher, In the Preparatory Department of the College, and In the neighboring high schools. As there are thirteen public high schools In the county, and many beyond the county lines within easy reach, the opportunities for this work are abundant. Careful notes. written reports and oral critiques are required of every student. A full discussion of the things seen helps to clarify the principles of teaching Involved. Required or Juniors in the four-year normal course. One hour a week throughout the year. 21. PRACTICE TEACHING-The student teaches classes In the normal training school connected with the Preparatory Department of the College. The student Is required to present, before teaching, a lesson plan for every recitation he conducts. He then teaches the <:lass under the direct supervision or the critic teacher, and occasion– ally of other members or the Faculty. Required or Seniors In the four– year normal course. One hour a week throughout the year. 22. CONFERENCE ON TEACHING-All students who are doing work In the observation of teaching and In practice teaching are re– quired to attend a weekly conference at which reports are made and the criticisms of the critic teacher are presented. One hour a week throughout the year. ENGLISH PROFESSOR SCHNEDER 23. RHETORIC-Expression of simple, fluent, and forcible English Is taught. Text: Claxton and McGinnis. Required. Three hours a week throughout the year. 24. THEME COURSE-Attention Is de,,oted to composition of all tyl}8a. The aim Is to obtain correct form, simplicity, and clearness In writing. One hour a week, one semester. 25_ ENGLISH POETRY-A study or verse structure and an analysis or selected poems; also a critical study or the early nineteenth century poets- \Vordsworth, Scott, Dyron, Shelley, Keats. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. 26. SHAKESPEARE-A careful study and analysis ls made ot some of Shakespeare's tragedies and comedies. Others are read rapidly. Wrllten critiques are required. Elective. Three hours n week, one semester.
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