1919-1920 Academic Catalog

MISSIONS, MUSIC, ORATORY, PHILOSOPHY MISSIONS PROl'~:ssoR SCl-!Nl-:OER 64. GENERAL COURSE IN MISSIONS-The problems, possibil– ities, means and obligation of evangelizing the world In this generation, and the motives, aims, and methods of the foreign missionary. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. 65. THE FOREIGN l<,JELD-Chlna, Japan, Korea, India, Egypt, Central and Southern Africa, South America, Mexico and the Island missions. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. 66. MISSIONARY BIOGRAPHY-The lives or noted missionaries or all Christian denominations and ftelds are studle<I for their lnslpra– Uon and practical Information. Elective. Three hours a week through– out the year. Not given every year. 67. HOME MISSIONS-A sun•ey of social. moral and religious con– ditions or the United States In general and of the sections and classes most In need of the gospel. Elective. Three hours a week, one semes– ter. Not given every year. M USIC PROl'~:ssoR RUSS.EI.L 68. ELECT IVE MUSIC-Elective work in music to the amount of eight credits will be counted towards the degree or Bachelor or Arts. One lesson a week for one semester constitutes the work required for one credit. Students electing music must pay the usual fees for les– sons In music In addition to the regular collegiate tuition fees. See the Devartment of Music for the nature of the work offered. PROFESSOR McCH .ESNEY 69. PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC SPEAKING-The fundamentals of effective sveaktng, principles or breathing, voice-production, enuncia– tion, and action; delivery of extracts from the works of writers and :~~ae~~~!·. Text: Phillips. Required. Three hours a week, fl.rat 70. ORATORY~Tbe distinctive characteristics of oratorical style; the masterpieces of representative orators are analyzed, and the prln• ciples thus discovered applied in tbe writing and delivery of original orations. Text: Phillips. Required. Three hours a week, second 11emester. PROFESSOR McCHESNEY 71. INTRODUCTION TO PHILOSOPHY-The nature or philoso– phical thought, the main problems of philosophy. the more Important types of philosopblcal doctrine, the value of the study of philosophy "