1923-1924 Academic Catalog

PREPARATORY DEPARTMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION Applicants for admission to the first year of the preparatory course mu t have completed work in the common branches of study equivalent to that usually completed in the first eight years of the public school, and will be examined in reading, geography, United States history, physiology, penmanship, drawing, orthography, arith– m etic and English grammar. A Paterson certificate or satisfactory grades from public schools will excu se an applicant from examina– tion in all subj ects, except English grammar. Appli cants for admission to any class above the first preparatory class shall, in addition to meeting the above requirements for ad– mission, either present satisfactory grades or certificates, or pass ex– aminations in all subjects already pursued by the class which they desire to enter. REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION Upon the completion of sixteen of the following studies cl diploma of graduation will be conferred. Each study is pursued four hours a week t hroughout the year. Each candidate for a diploma must also write and publicly deliver an oration, of at least eight hundred words, upon some sub– ject approved by the Faculty. The subject must be submitted on or b efore February the first preceding graduation, and a copy of the oration on or before May the first. PREPARATORY CURR,ICULUM FIRST YEAR REQ.UIRED STUDIES Pr 1. Algebra I ELECTIVE STUDIES Pr 11. Latin I Pr 2. General Science and Biology Pr 3. Rhetoric and Composition Pr 12. Greek I Pr 13. French I REQUIRED STUDIES Pr 4. Plane Geometry Pr 5. English Classics Pr 6. English History REQUIRED STUDIES Pr 7. History of English and American Literature Pr 8. American History and Civics REQUIRED STUDIES Pr 9. Ancient and Medieval Hi story Pr 10. Physics Pr 14. German I SECOND YEAR ELECTIVE STUDIES Pr 15. Latin II Pr 16. Greek II Pr 1 7. French II Pr 18. German II Pr 19. Physiology and Hygiene THIRD YEAR ELECTIVE STUDIES Pr 20. Modern History Pr 21. Latin Pr 22. Greek Pr 23. French Pr 24. German Pr 25. Algebra II and Solid Geometry FOURTH YEAR ELECTIVE STUDIES Pr 26. Advanced English Classics Pr 27. Latin Pr 28. Greek Pr 29. French Pr 30. German RATES OF TUITION The fee for instru_ction ~n the preparatory department is thirty dollars per semester, mcludmg a fifteen-dollar tuition fee a ten– dollar contingent fee, and an athletic fee of five dollars. F~r other expenses see page 25. PAGE TWENTY-EIGHT