1923-1924 Academic Catalog
DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES BIBLE P ROFESSORS McCH ESNE Y AN D R OBISON Bl. OLD TESTAMENT-Patriarc ha l and H ebrew H istory, poetry, and prop h ecy. Texts: t h e B ible, Steele's Ou tli nes, a n d Bail y and Ken t's Evolution or t h e Hebrew Commonwealt h. El ctive. T h ree h ours a w ek, on e semester. B2. NEW TESTAMENT-Th e li fe of Ch r ist, t h e Acts of t he Apostles, t h e life of Paul, the Epistles and R evelation. Texts: t he Bible, Steel 's Outlines, Stalker's Life of Christ, Gilbert's Lire of Paul. E l ctiv . T h ree h ours a week, one semester. B3. BlBLI AL AR HAEOLOGY-Th e testimo n y of t h e monuments to t h e truth of the criptures. Various texts are used from year to year. El ctive. One hour a week t hroughout t h e year. Given every t hird year. B4. BIBLICAL USTOMS-Th e lig h t s h ed upon t he B ible by Eastern man– ners and customs. Text: Ric 's Orientali sms in Bible Lands. Elective. One hour a week throughout the year. Given every t h ird year. B5. BIBLICAL SOCIOLOGY-Modern soc ia l problems interpreted in t he lig h t of th I3ible. Text: Kent's Social Teac hings of t he Proph ts and Jesus. Elective. Tht·ee hour3 a week, one semester. Given ev ry third year. B6. BIBLICAL LITERATURE-A study of t h e writings of t h e O ld and New Testaments a~ literary masterpieces. E lective. Three hours a week, one semester. Given every third y ar. I37. S. S. Lesson s . ~ d. I B IOLOGY PROFESSOR FRASER G Zl. GENERAL ZOOLOGY- A genera l survey of animal life from the stand- point of morphology, phy iology, and de elopment. Texts: Parker, Hegner. Elective. Four hour · a week throughout the year. Given every second year. Zla. Same as Zl, except that the laboratory work i not required. Elective after required work in Science i · completed. Z2. GENERAL BOTANY Study of morphology, physiology, taxonomy and economics of plants. Texts: Densmore, Cook. Elective. Four hour · a week throughout the year. Given every second year. Z2a. Same as Z2, except that the laboi·atory work is not required. Elective after required work in Science is completed. CHEMISTRY PROFESSOR F;,RASER AND MR. COLLINS 1. GENERAL CHEMISTRY-A s tndy of the various elements and their compounds a<s to their occurrence, preparation, properties , and use. 'l' ext: Mc– Pher ,on and Hender.,on. Elective. Four hours a week throug hout the year. Cla. Same as Cl, except that laboratory work is not required. Elective after required work in Science is completed. C2. QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS-The principles of gravimetric and volu– metri c analysis, with pi·actical application to typical mineral s and metals, includ– ing the solution of practical laboratory problems. Text: Evans. Elective. Three hour , a week throughout the y ar. Given every second year. C:3. ORGANIC CHEMISTRY-Study of carbon and its compounds, including both aliphatic and aromatic series. General qualitative analysi s of organic com– pounds is taken up in the second s emes 1er. Text: Norri s. Four hours a week throughout the year. Given every second year. DRAWING PROFESSOR FRASER Dl. MECHANICAL DRAWING-Mechanical etry Instruction is largely individual. Texts: and Grave~· and Reinhard's Lettering. Elective. the year. Not g iven every year . .! drawing and descr iptive geom– French's Engineering Drawing Two hours a week throughout ECONOMICS PROFESSOR ROBISON NJ. PHI NCI PLJ;;S OF ECONOMI S-Production, exchange, distribution, and con~umption, labor, C'apital, association, money, credit, commerce, f,ollectivism, co-or>eration, wages, interest, and profits. T ext: Carver. El ctive. Ihree hours a week throughout th e year. Not given every year. PAGE TWENTY-NINE
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