1923-1924 Academic Catalog

DE. RIPTIO OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES EDUCATION PROFESSOR OMERS Tl. HISTORY OF EDUCATION This course begins with a brief survey of one or two t·epreaentative Oriental countries. More time is devoted to Greek education. The influence of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle and the educational writings of the latter two receive some attention. The Roman and Medieval periods are pa%ed over more rapidly so as to give more time for the study of modern movements and writers. Some of the writings of the great educational reformer · constitute a part of the assigned reading. Text: Graves : Student's History of Education. Required for the State High School Certificate. Three hour3 a week, one semester. T2 . SCIENCE OF EDUCATION-The psychological and sociological princi– ples that underlie educational science, and a critical examination of various educational theories. Text: Bagley. Elective. Prerequisite: General Psychology. Three hour · a week, one semes ter. T3. PRINCIPLES OF TEACHING-Introduction to high school problems and sugge tion for their sol ution. The high sc hool pupil, teacher, discipline, class, methods, lesson plans, supervised study. Text: Colvin: An introduction' to High School Teaching. Prerequis ite: General P sychology. Required for the State High School Certificate. Three hour.; a week, one semester. T4. SPECIAL METHODS- Method s of teaching high school English, history, languages, science and mathematics. Each emphasized according to the needs of those in the class. Prerequis ite: Principles of Teac hing. Required for the State High School Certificate. Two hours a week, one semester. T5. SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT- The organization and administration of schools a s influenced by the United States Bureau of Education, state systems (Ohio in particular), county and district systems. The Ohio school laws are read and discu ssed. Text: Cubberly: Public School Ad– ministration. Required for the State High School Certificate. Two hours a week, one semester. TIO. EDUCATIONAL MEASUREMENTS- Standards of measurements in education, with actual experiments and tests in the school room. Text: Monr·oe, De Voss and Kelly: Educational Tes ts and Measu rements . Elective. Not open to Freshmen. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. Q2. EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY-The mind in its relation to methods of training and acquisition of knowledge. Text: Pyle. Required for the State High School Certificate. Elective for others. Prerequis ite: General Psychology. Two hours a week, one semester. Tl2. OBSERVATION AND PRACTICE TEACHING- The teaching of second – ary studies is observed by the student, under the direction of the critic teacher, in the preparatory department of the College, and in the neighboring high schools. Preliminary instruction and plans , careful notes, written reports and oral criti– ques are required of every student. A full discussion of the things seen helps to clarify thei principles of teaching involved. The practice teaching is done in the · normal training school connected with the preparatory department. The practice teaching is preceded by supervised lesson plans, done under the direct super– vision of the critic teacher, and followed by a conference of all engaged in practice teaching with the critic teacher. Required of juniors and seniors who are candi– dates for the State High School Certificate. The work in this course is usually spread over three or four semesters. Three semester-hours of credit. ENGLISH PROFESSOR BRAND El. RHETORI~-Expres Eion .o_f simple, fl~ent, and forcible Englis h is taught. Text: Manly and Rickert: The Writmg of English; and Greever and Jones: Century Handbook of Writing. Required. Three hours a week throughout the year. E2. ENGLISH POET~~-A study of vene structure and an analysis of selected poems; als o a critical study of the early nineteenth century poets– Wordsworth, Scott, Byron, Shelley, Keats. Elective. Three hours a week one semes ter. Not given every year. ' E3. SHAKESPEARE-A careful study and analys is is made of s ome of S~a_kespeare's tr~gedies an~ comedies. Others are read rapidly. Written critiques are reqmred. Elect, ve. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. E4. MODERN DRAMA-A study of. the great contemporary dramas of Engl~nd, Ireland, Germany, France, Belgium, Norway, Russia, and America. Elective. Three hour., a week, one semester. Not given every year. E5. EIGHTEE.NTH CENTURY LITERATURE-The age of Pope and the age of Johnson. Elective. Three houra a week, one semester. Not given every year. . ~6. THE .SHORT STORY-T_he history. and technique of the s hort story. A critical analysis of a repres entative collection of short stories, supplemented by PAGE THIRTY