1923-1924 Academic Catalog
DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES plots and stories required from t he s tudents. Texts: Albrig h t a nd As hmun. Elective. Three hour a week, n e s m ester. Not g i ven every yea1·. E7. AMERICAN POETRY- A su rv ey of t he most c haracteri s lic works of Bryan~, Poe, Em~rson, Longfellow, Whi ttier, Holmes, Low 11, Whitman, Lanier, and Riley. Elective. Three hours a week, one semes ter. Not g iv n ev ry year. E . BROWNING AND TENNYSON- A criti cal study of a few selections from each poet and t he rapid reading of other3. E lective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. E9. GENERAL SURVEY OF ENGLISH LITERATURE- Repr sentative works of t he great Engli s h writers from the arliest hi story of t h Englis h people to t he present. Text: Cunliffe, Pyre and Young: Cen tury Readings in Englis h Literature. Elective. Three hours a week throughout t he year. Not given every year. FRENCH PROFESSORS BRAND AND PORTER Fl. FRENCH I-Grammar, compos it ion , and drill in sy ntax, with coll oquial practice and some easy reading. Texts: Fraser a nd Squair: French Grammar and La Belle France. Elective. Four hours a week throughout t he year. F2. READING AND COMPOSITION- R eadin g of texts from some of t he best Frenc h noveli sts, s h ort story writers and poets. Colloquial practic and review of grammar. Texts: W ann: French Conversation and Composition. Daudet: Neuf Contes Choises; Le Monde Francais (a French magazine). Rostrand: Cyrano De Bergerac. F3. FRENCH PROSE OF THE NINETEENTH CEN'l'URY-The works of George Sand, Balzac, Daud t, Zola, and others are read . Elective. Three hours a week t hroughout t h e year. Not g iv en every y ar. Gyl. r equired. GEOLOGY PROFESSOR JURKAT GENERAL GEOLOGY-Dynam ic and hi s torical geology. Field work Texts: Norton, Cleland. Elective. Three hours a week. Two semesters. GERMAN PROFESSOR JURKAT Gl. GERMAN I- Con °tant dri ll in infl ection an d syntax, and both oral a nd written work requ ir 2d. Texts: Collar, and Readers. Elective. Four hour., a w.eek t hroughout the year. G2 . READING AND COMPCSITION The work cons ists of ea" y stories and drill in compos ition a nd sy ntax. Text: Lange. Elective. Four hours a week, o n e semes ter. G3. WILHELM ·TELL-The course offer. dril l in poetry and s tudy of the German drama. Elective. Four hours a week, one temester. Not g iv en every year. G4. HEINE- Harzrei 0 e and po m s are r ead, with s tudy of poli t ics and society. Text: Gregor. Elective. Three hour3 a week, one semea ter. No t g iven every year. G5. SCIENTIFIC GERMAN- This iR intended espec ially for t hose about to pursue profes, ional courses. Elective. Three ho u r s a week, one semes ter. Not g iven every year. G6. NINETEENTH CENTURY GERMAN- Selections, prose, a nd poetr y, from nineteenth century writers are s tudied. Elective. Three hours a week throug h– out the year. Not g iven every year. G7. GOETHE-Fau s t i , read w ith a s tudy of its p hil o~ophy and p hil ology. Text: Thomas. Three h ourJ a week throughout t he year. Not given every year. GREEK PROFESSORS McCHESNEY AND JURKAT Kl. BEGINNING GREEK-Paradigms, rules, and exerc ises in tran slation. Text: White. Elective. Four hours a week t hroughout t he year. K2. ANABASIS- Tran s lation, syntax, compos ition, with hi s torical references. Elective. Texts: Goodwin and Whi te. Four hours a week, first semester. K3. HOMER-Books I to VI of the Il iacJ, s canning, mythology, syntax. Text: Seymour. Elective. Four ho ur3 a week, s econd semester. K4 . GREEK NEW TESTAMENT- N ew 'I'estam ent Greek, emphas izing peculiarities of form, and exeges is , with rap id reading of variou s portions. Text: W e~icoti and Hort. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. PAGE THIRTY-ONE
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