1923-1924 Academic Catalog
DE._ RIPTIO F OLLEGI TE D RM L ST DIES 2. OMP R T!VE GOVERNMENT- The general principles of jurisprudence and polilicH, variouH thcorieH of th 11tnte, the growth of governn:ient11, their preHent tendencies and international relations. Text: Ogg. Elective. Three hours n week, one semester. Not given every year. A3. I TERNATIONAL L W - The origin, process, and principles of inter– national law. Text: Davi!:!. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. A4. PARLIAMENTARY actual practice in conducting hours a week, one semester. LAW-Instruction in fundamental principles and public meetings. Text: Cushing. Elective. Three Not given every year. PUBLIC SPEAKING PROFE SORS McCHESNEY AND ROBISON 01. PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC SPEAKING-The fundamentals of effective speaking, principles of breathing, voice-production, enunciation, and action; delivery of extracts from the works of writers and speakers. Text: Phillips. Required. Two hours a week, first semester. [Professor McChesney). 02. ORATORY-The distinctive characteristics of oratorical style; the masterpieces of representative orators are analyzed, and the principles thus discovered applied in the writing and delivery of original orations. Text: Phillips. Required . Two hours a week, second semester. [Professor McChesney]. 03. ARGUMENTATION AND DEBATING-Argumentation, analysis, evidence, persuasion. Brief-drawing. Written arguments. Oral debating. The theory of argumentation. Text: Ketcham. Required. Two hours a week throughout the year. [Professor Robison]. 04. EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING-Instruction, constant practice, and criticism in actual public speaking. Elective. One hour a week throughout the year. [Professor Robison]. PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSOR McCHESNEY Ql. GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY-Consciousness, sensation, perception, memory, feelings, imagination, thought, reasoning and the will. Texts: Breese and Ang~ Required. Three hours a week, one semester. Q3. PAIDOLOGY-A scientific study of child life and consciousness. Text: Kirkpatrick. Elective. Two hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. Q4. EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-Elementary experiments in the vari– ous phases of conscious phenomena. Texts: Thorndike and Seashore and Starch. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. RELIGION PROFESSOR McCHESNEY Rl. APOLOGETICS-The evidences of Christianity and natural theology. Text: Turton. Required. Three hours a week, one semester. REVIEW OF .HIGH SCHOOL STUDIES PROFESSOR SOMERS The purpose of these courses is to prepare students for the teaching of second– ary studies by giving them reviews of some of the leading subjects ordinarily taught in high schools, together with suggestions as to the best methods of teaching them. These courses will not be counted towards the degree of Bachelor of Arts, but will be credited towards the degree of Bachelor of Science in Educa– tion. Sixteen hours of such work are required of candidates for the State High School Certificate. Some of these courses run for one semester and others for the entire year. Two hours a week. H. S. 1. Algebra I. H. S. 2. Plane Geometry. H. S. 3. General Science. H. S. 4. Biology. H. S. 5. Physiology and Hygiene. H. S. 6. Rhetoric and Composition. H. S. 7. English Classics. H. S. History of English Literature. H. S. 9. History of American Literature. H. S. 10. American History. H. S. 11. Civics. H. S. 12. Latin I. H. S. 13. Latin II. H. S. 14. Physics. H. S. 15. Solid Geom. PAGE THIRTY-FOUR
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