1923-1924 Academic Catalog

OFFICERS OF ADMINISTRATION AND INSTRUCTION FLORENCE E. SOMERS, A. B., Prfoessor of Education and Mathematics. ยท"' A. B., Cedarville College, 1917; Profes sor in Cedarville College, 1922-. MARTIN L. FRASER, A. M. , Professor of Science. A. B., Wittenberg College, 1915; A . M., 1922; Professor ii,. Cedarville College, 1922-. SARAH A. PORTER, B. S., Registrar and Secretary to the President and Dean, Professor of English, Hi story and French. B. S., Tufts College, Mass., 1922 ; Professor of F r ench, English and History in Cedarville College, 1922-; Reg istrar, 1922-; Secretary to the President and Dean, 1922-. INSTRUCTORS REV. JOHN PRESSLY WHITE, M. D., D. D., Lecturer on Christian Mission s. MRS. JOHN PRESSLY WHITE, Lecturer on Christian Miss ions . MARJORIE McCLELLAN, Instructor in Mathematics. M. EARLE COLLINS, Assistant in Chemistry. MARY LUCILE JOHNSON, Instructor in Latin. HAZEL WILLIAMS, Instructor in Mathematics. MARION FOSTER STORMONT, Instructor in Physics. MARJORIE WRIGHT, Instructor in Biology and History. ERNEST WRIGHT, MARY ELOISE DAVIS, Instructor s in Civics. AVANELLE BRtGNER, Instructor in Mathematics . HARPER BICKETT, Instructor in Science. CHRISTINE C. KYLE, Instructor in History. MISS MARY WILLIAMSON, Librarian. JOHN C. GRINDLE, Janitor. PAGE FIVE