1924-1925 Academic Catalog
DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES E4. MODERN DRAMA-A study of the great contemporary dramas of Engl9:nd, Ireland, Germany, France, Belgium, Norway, Russ ia, and America. Elective. Three hours a week, one s emester. Not given every year. E5. EIGHTE~NTH CENTURY LITERATURE-The age of Pope and the aga of Johnson. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. . . E6. THE. SHORT STORY-'!he his tory and technique of the short story. A critical anal ys1~ of a r~presentative collection of s hort stories, supplemented b:r plots . and stories required from the students. Texts: Albright and As hmun. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. E7. AMERICAN POETRY- A survey or the most characteristic work s of Bryant, Poe, Emers on, Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes Lowell Whitman Lanier' and Riley. Elective. Three hours a week, one s emester. Not given ev;ry year. ES. BROWNING AND TENNYSON-A critical study of a few selection s from each poet and the rapid reading of others. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. E 9. GENERAL SURVEY OF ENGLISH LIT:ERATU~E-Repres entative works of the great Englis h writers from the earlies t history of the Englis h people to the present. Text: Sunliffe, Pyre and Young: Century Readings in English Literature. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. FRENCH PROFESSOR TINKER Fl. FRENCH I-Grammar, compos ition, and drill in s yntax, with colloquial practice and some easy reading. Texts: Cerf & Giese: French Grammar and La Belle France. Elective. Four hou r s a week throughout the year. F2. READING AND COMPOSITION- Reading of texts from some of the bes t French novelis t s , s hort story writers and poets . Colloquial practice and review of grammar. Texts: Daudet: Neuf Contes Choises ; Le Monde Francais (a French mag azi ne). Rostrand: Cyrano De Bergerac. F3. FRENCH PROSE OF 'l'HE NINETEENTH CENTURY-The works of George Sand, Balzac, Da udet, Zola, and others are read. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not g·iven every year. Gy l. required. GEOLOGY PROFESSOR JURKAT GENERAL GEOLOGY-Dy namic and his torical geology. Field work Texts : Norton, Cleland. Elective. Three hours a week. Two s emes ter3. GERMAN PROFESSOR JURKAT Gl. GERMAN I - Cons tant drill in inflection and syntax, and both oral and written work req uired . Texts: Collar, and Readers. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. . G2. READING AND COMPOSITION-The work consis ts of easy stories and drill in compos ition and syntax. Text: Lange. Elective. Four hours a week, one semes ter. G3. WILHELM TELL-The co ur .,e offers drill in poetry and study of the German drama. Elective. Fou r hours a week, one semes ter. Not given every year. G4. society. HEINE-Harzreis e and poems a re read, wi t h s tudy of politics and Text: Gregor. Elective. Three hours a week, one semes ter. Not gi ven every year. G5. SCIENTIFIC GERMAN-This is intended especially for those about to pursue profe,,sional cours es. Elective. Three hou1·s a week, one semester . No t given e very year. G6 . NINETEENTH CENTURY GERMAN-Selection , prose, and poetry, from nineteen th century writer3 a re studi ed. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. G7. GOETHE-Faus t i s read with a tudy of it ~ philos ophy ancl philology. Text: Thoma,. Th ree hours a week throughout the year. Not g iven every year. GREEK PROFESSORS McCHESNEY AND JURKAT Kl. BEGINNING GREEK-Paradigm-,, rules, and exercises in tran lation. Text: White. Elective. Four hour3 a week throughout the year. K2 . ANABASIS-Tran~lation, syntax, composition, with historical refer– ence,,. Elective. Texts: Goodwin and Whi te. Four houri! a week, fir.,t semester. K3. IIOMER-Book3 I to VI of the Iliad, scanning, mythology. syntax. Te:ct: Seymour. Elt,ctive. Four hour, a week, second seme~ter. PAGE THIRTY-ONE
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