1924-1925 Academic Catalog

DE RlPTIO OF OLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES KI GREEK NEW TESTAMENT-New Testament Greek, ~mphasizing 1 ,eculiarlties of form, and exegesis, with rapid reading of various portions. Text: ,ve tcott and Hort. Elective. Three hours a week, throughout the year. K6 HERODOTHS-Selections are read. Biography, history, peculia rtles, and ~y~ta ·. Text: Johnson. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not giv n very year. K6. MEMORABILIA-The course is introductory to the stu~y of Plato. Grammatical drill and his tory will be the leading fea_tures. Text: W inans. Elec– th·e. Three hours a week, one semes ter. Not g1ven every year. K7. PLATO-The Apology and Crito cons titu~e the study of Socr ates, Gr cian philosophy i.s reviewed. Text: Dyer. Elective. Three hours a week, one seme~ter. Not given every year. KS. DEMOSTHENES-The Oration on the Crown is studied. Ora tor y, rhetoric, and argumentation a:e leading themes. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. HEBREW PROFESSOR JURKAT Wl. HEBREW-A thorough drill is given in etymology, synta x, and paradigms. Text: Davidson. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. W2. ADVANCED HEBREW. HISTORY PROFESSOR JURKAT Hl. AMERICAl..f: NATIONAL PERI OD- W ith reference to con temp orary European history. Text: Fish, Haworth, Ri verside a n d Outli ne. Requ ired of all candidate for the A. B. and B. S. degree . P r er equisite, H. S . 1 0. T h ree hours a week, fir s t semester. H2. AMERICAN : COLONIAL PERIOD- Wit h reference to cont emporary European history. Texts: Fisher, Sloa ne, Gr eene, and Ou t li ne. E lecti ve. Three hours a week, second semester. H3. ANCIENT, TO 800 A. D.-Elective. T hree hours a week, one s emes ter. Not given every year. H4. MEDIEVAL, AND MODE RN TO 1789-El ective. Thr ee hou r s a week, one semester. Not given e ver y year. H5 . MODERN, 1789 ONWARDS-Texts: Turn er, Robins on and Beard. Elective. T hree hours a week, one semester. Not given e very year. HG. METHODS OF TEACHING H ISTORY- Era to be determined when class is organized. Elective. Thr ee hours a week , one semester. Not g iven every year. LATIN PROFESSORS McCH ESNEY AND JURKAT LL CICERO-De Amicitia a nd De Senectute, with a r ev iew of inflected forms and syntax. Text: Cha se and Stuart. Elective. Three hours a week; one semester. Not given every year. L2. LIVY-The transition from the Golden to the Silver Age is studied. Selections from Book XXI are read. Text: Ca pes a nd Melh u is h. E lectiv e. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given ever y yea r. L3. HORACE-Copious selections from the Odes, Sa tires, and E pistles are made the basis for a study of Latin poetry. Text: Chase an_o S tuar t. E lective. Three hours a week, one semester. N ot given every year. L4. TACITUS-The Life of Agricola and the history of German y. T ext : Allen. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not g iven every y ear. L5. JUVENAL-The origin, development, a nd purpose of the s a t ire, and t he morals and customs of the Romans under the Empire. Text: Lindsa y . E lect ive. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. LG. LATIN LITERATURE-A brief survey is made of L a t in litera tu re. elections being read from many authors . Text: Peck and Arrowsmith's R oman Life in Latin Pros e and Verse. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. MATHEMATICS PROFESSOR SOMERS . . Ml. COLLEGE ALGEBRA-Progressions, permutations, combination s, pr ob- ab1hty, complex numbers, .theory of equations, determinants, and in finite s er ies, Text: Wentworth. Elective. Prerequisite: 1 lf.i units, H igh School A lgebra. Four hours a week. one seme- ter. M2. TRIGONOMETRY-Trigonometric functions in their r ela tion to t he solution of the triangle both plane and spherical. Tex:t: Wentworth a nd Smith. Elective. Prerequisite: H. S. 1, 2, and 15. Four hours a week, one semester. PAGE THIRTY-TWO