1925-1926 Academic Catalog

COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT Required Merit Points In every curriculum in the collegiate department as many merit points are required for graduation as credits or semester-hours. For gTade excellent, three points for each credit are awarded; for grade g ood, two points; for grade fair, one point; for grade passing, no points. The maximum number of points that can be secured by a stu– dent, graduating in a curriculum which required, for example, 120 credits is 360; the minimum 120. It is evident that an average grade of fair is necessary for graduation. Students who by r eason of grade of passing fall behind in the required number of points, are ineligible for graduation. By the use of points a student may r eadily determine the quality of progress he is making in his cur– riculum. Honor Society In 1920 an honor society, called the Cedarville College Crown Club, was established, to which members are elected by the faculty on the basis of excellence in scholarship. A student who for two semesters, not necessarily consecutive, has acquired a grade of A in all of his studies may be elected to membership in this society, or one who in four semesters has obtained not more than four grades of B, all other grades being A, may be elected. Or a student may be elected to membership upon graduation after a full four-years' course, provided he has no grade below B and three-fourths of his gr a des are A. Upon election to this society the student is presented with a gold pin in the design of a crown similar to that in the seal of the College, and bearing the letters C. C. C. C. The following are members of C. C. C. C. :- Elected in 1921, Alice McKibben, Josephine Randall, Thelma Deacon and Lucile Johnson. Elected in 1922, Marion Stormont and Helen Bradfute. Elected in 1923, Earle Collins, Alice Lackey, Marjorie McClel– lan, E. D. McKune, Florence Smith, Ernest Wright, Lucinda Cask y, Hazel Williams, Lulu · Murphy, Forrest Nagley, Dorothy Tarr and J un Thomnson . •At.:E T WEN 'rY FlVE