1925-1926 Academic Catalog
OLLEGI TF: DEPARTMENT combined basis of character, scholarship, athletic;, and leadership in extra-curriculum activities. Further information may bl' ohtain(·d from anv member of the Rhodes cholarship Committee of S lcc– tion of Ohio: hairman, President W. 0. Thompson, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio; Cary R.. Alburn, Esq., Attorney, G~r– lield Bank Building, leveland, Ohio; Professor D. E. Schmitt, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio; Professor II. B. Eng– lish Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio; Secretary, Professor Leigh Alexander, 111 S. edar Ave., Oberlin, Ohio. Rates and Tuition The fee for instruction in the collegiate department is thirty dollars per semester, payable on the opening day. This includes a tuition fee of fifteen dollars, a contingent fee of ten dollars, and an athletic fee of five dollars per semester. The athletic fee secures the right to a ticket of admission to all athletic contests conducted by the college. The laboratory fees in elementary chemistry, biology and physics are six dollars per semester. In advanced courses the laboratory fee is ten dollars per semester. The breakage deposit in chemistry is five dollars per semester. After breakage has been deducted, the remainder is returned. The graduation and diploma fee, payable witJh tuition fee at the beginning of the second semester of the last year of the course, is five dollars to those taking the degree of Bachelor of Arts, or Bachelor of Science. No rebate of laboratory, contingent or athletic fees will be granted. In case of students compelled by sickness or other unavoidable cir– cumstances t o leave the college before the end of the semester, rebates will be granted as foll ows on tuitio•n: Before the end of two weeh, 80 % ; before the end of four weeks, 60 %; before the end of six weeks, 40 % ; after the sixth week no rebate will he made. No rebate will be made to students who are "dropped from the rolls." Boarding Club In order to insure good wholesome food at lowest possible cost to the students a Boarding Club is maintained in the Library building. -:-· u": u.t:gree of Hachelor of Science in Agriculture at the Univer– s~ty w1thm two years, as he would then have t o complete only sixty– eight !Semester-hours of the more t echnical wor k of t h e curriculum for that degree. Semester-hours Chemistry .................................... 8 Zoology ......................... ............... 8 English .......................................... 6 Geology ........................................ 6 Botany .......................... ...... ........ 8 Semester-hours Mat hematics and Phys ics ........ 6 Modern L an g uag e ......... ............. s American His t or y or E conomics 8 Ot her College Work ..................12 GENERAL INFORMATION IN REGARD TO THE COLLEGIATE DEPARTMENT Grading and Marks . In all courses students are graded a ccording to their scholar– ship ~y the use of the ~ollowi~g symbols: A, denoting excellent; B, ~enotr~1g good; C, denot mg: fair; D, denoting passing; and F, denot– mg faded. . The comparative merit of tests, examinatiolliS and all other exerc1:3es,. as well as the final standing of the student in an course, are md1cated by the u se of the same svmbo ls. y PAGE TWE NTY-TWO \
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