1925-1926 Academic Catalog
DES RJPTI 01'' OLLE I TE D N RM L S nrns l•:i. lllODERN DRAMA- Rtudy of the J(reat contemporary drnmn or 1':nlt'land, Ireland, Germany, France, Belgium, Norway, Rus Ria , and Amerira. lcctivE'. Three hours a week, one ~emei, ter. Not given every year. Efi. 1'~1GHTEENTH ENTURY LITERATURE-The age of Pope and the RLre o( John son. Elective. Thr e hours a week, one semester. Not given every Y ar E6 . THE SHORT STORY-The hiRtory and technique or the s hort Rtory. A critiral nnalysi" of a representative collection of s hort storieR, su pplemenlf'd by i,lot i; and s tories required from the stu dents. TextR: Albright and A hmun . Elccth e. Three hours a week, one bemester. Not given every year. E7. AMERICAN POETRY- A survey of the most characteristic workR of Jfr)•ant, Poe, Emerson, LongfeUow Whittier, Holmes , Lowell, Whitman , Lanier' and Riley. Elective. Three hours' a week, one semester. Not given ever y year. E . BROWNING AND TENNYSON-A critical s tudy of a few selections from each poet and the rapid reading of others. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. Efl. GENERAL SURVEY OF ENGLISH LJT.ERATURiE-RepreRentative work " of the great Englis h writers from the earliest history of the Englis h peoplP fo the p resent. Text: 8unliffe Pyre and Young: Century Readings in En;,:lhh Literature. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. FRENCH PROFESSOR TINIU~R Fl. FREN H I - Grammar, composition, and drill in syntax, with colloqui11l pradice and s ome easy reading. Texts: Cerf & Gie1<e: French Grammar a nd La Belle France. Elective. Four h ours a week throug hout the year. F2. READING AND COMPOSITION-Reading of text" from ,some of the best French noveli s t s, short s tory writers and poets . Colloquial practice and review of grammar. Texts : Daudet: Neuf Contes Choises ; Le Monde Francai~ (a French magazine). Rostrand: Cyrano De Bergerac. F3. FRENCH PROSE OF 'l'HE NINETEENTH CEN'l'URY-Thr work, oi Georire 1'nnd. Balzac, Daudet, Zola, and others are read. Elective. Three hour;; a week throughout the year. Not given every year. Gyl. required. GEOLOGY PROFESSOR JURKAT GENERAL GEOLOGY-Dynamic and historical ireolo~ y. Fi<>ld work Texts: Norton, Cleland . Elective. Three hours a week. Two semesters. GERMAN PROFESSOR JURKAT GL GERM N I- Constant drill in inflection and s yntax, and both oral and written work required. Texts: Collar, and Readers. Elective. Four hours a week throughout the year. G2. READING AND COMPOSITION-The work cons ists of easy stories and drill in composition and syntax. Text: Lange. Elective. Four hours a week, one semester. G3. WILHELM 'TELL--The course offers drill in poetry and tudy or the German drama. Elective. Four h ours a week, one semester. Not given e very year. G4. HEINE-Harzreis e and poems are read, with study of politics ,ind society. Text: Gregor. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Not given every year. G6. NINE'l' EENTH CENTURY GERMAN--Selections, prose, and poetry, from nineteenth century writers are s tudied. Elective. Three hours a week throughout the year. Not given every year. GREEK PROFESSORS McCHESNEY AND JURKAT Kl. BEGINNING GREEK-Paradigm ,;, rules, and exercis es in translation. Text: White. Elective. Four hours a week t hroughout the year. K2 . ANABASIS-Translation, syntax, composition, with historical refer– ences. Elective. Texts: Goodwin and W hite. Four hours a week, first s emes ter . K3. HOMER-Books I to V I of the Ilia d, scanning, mythology. syntax. Text: Seymour. Elective. Four hour s a week, second semester. PAGE THIRTY
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