1925-1926 Academic Catalog

DESCRIPTION OF COLLEGIATE AND NORMAL STUDIES 04. EXTEMPORANEOUS SPEAKING-Instruction constant practice, a nd criticism in actual public spe:1king. Elective. One hou~ a week t h roug hout t he :rear. (Professor Robison). A4. P~RL;AMENTAI:lY LAW-Ins truction in fundamenta l principles and actual practice m conducting public meetings. Text: Cushing. Elective. One hour a. week, one semester. Not given every year. (Prof. Robiso n.) PSYCHOLOGY PROFESSOR McCHESNEY Ql. GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY-Consciousness, sensation, perception , memory, feeling s, imagination, thought, reas oning and the will. 'fext: Breei;e 1rnd Angell; and Warren. Required. Should be taken before Ju n ior yea r. Three hours a week, one semester. Q3. P AIDOLOGY-A scientific study of child life and consciousness. Text: Kirkpa trick. Elective. Two hours a week, one semester. Prerequisite Q l. Not given every year. Q4. EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY-Elementary ex,periments in t he various phases of conscious phenomena. Tex,ts: Thorndike & Seas'h ore: and Sta rch. Electire. Prerequis ite: Ql. Three hours a week, one semester. RELIGION PROFESSOR McCHESNEY Rl. APOLOGETICS- The evidences of Chris tianity and natura l t heology, Text: Turton. Required. Three hours a week, one semester. SOCIOLOGY PROFESSOR ROBISON Sl. GENERAL SOCIOLOGY-Social evolution, and sociological principles with 8pecial r eference to modern social problems. Text: Ellwood. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Given every third year. S2. SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY-Collective knowing, feeling, and willi ng; t he pRyc hology of the crowd. Text: Ross. Elective. Three hours a week, one seme.s ter. Given every third year. S3. AMERICAN PROBLEMS-Social institutions. A study o( the p ro – blems of democracy. Text: Morehou se-Graham. Elective. Three hours a week, one semester. Prerequisite, Sl, or NL Not given every yea r. COMMERCIAL DEPARTMENT PROFESSOR CARL E. SMITH Tl. First semester, general principles of typing and the use of the touc h system. Four hours a week. Second semester, continuation of general typing drill with especia l attention to Bu s iness Correspondence. Four hours a week. Students taking this work are given Preparatory Credit. Those desiring to continue this work at Miami-Jacobs later will receive full .-red it for all work creditably performed in this department. Texts: Rational Typewriting, by SoRelle and Cutler. A fee of $1.25 per week is charged for this course. Bl. First semester, 20th Century Book-keeping and Accounting. Part 1. Four hours a week. Second semester, 20th Century Bookkeeping and Accounting. Part 2. Four hours a week. U there be su fficient call, there will be claHses organized in Commercial Law, Bu Biness Arithmetic, Bu siness English and Salesmanship. A fee of $1.00 per week is charged for this course. Students taking this cours e receive Preparatory Credit. Jn the Book-ke ping and Accounting, a · in the Typ_in~, the texti; .are tho ~e in u11e at Miami-Jacobs Bu ~iness College, and those wi s hing t? C'Onlmue then· rommercial work th re later will receive credit for all work creditably performed here. JC there be a sufficient number des iring to take s hort-hand, a rrangements ill be ma<le for one vear of s hort-hand. The Gregg System is used. The fee charged for this course will be announced later. PAGE THIRTY-THREE